The Best Electrical Construction and Telecommunications Apprenticeship in the Greater Cincinnati & Northern Kentucky Area.
Sponsored By The International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) Local 212 And The Cincinnati Chapter of The National Electrical Contractors Association (NECA).
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  • High Schools IC Program

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    In the PDF file link provided below is the instructors guide and syllabi for The Interim Credentials Program, which has been designed for advanced placement into any of the 270 IBEW/NECA Electrical Training Centers across the United States. Once the student completes the mastery of the Interim Credentials program and graduates high school, he or she can present their completion certificate to a training center for consideration. This would be credited during the interview and be recognized as interest in the electrical field. Final entry into an IBEW/NECA apprenticeship program is dependent on the results of the training center’s selection process.  The syllabus details all the modules (topics) of each of the five courses.

    Currently, the Ohio Department of Education recognizes this program as a 12 point credential toward graduation.

    General Information:

    • The Interim Credentials (IC) is a curriculum of five courses (Orientation, Job Information, Code & Safety, DC Theory, and Blueprints)
    • It is roughly 150 hours of computer time
    • Cost is approx. $320 per student…no other costs (i.e. test costs, textbooks, administration fees, etc.)
    • No text books requires…all content is part of the online experience.  The Code and Safety course will require the student to make a free registration with the site so they can assess an online version of the 2023 NEC (National Electrical Code)
    • IC Certificate requires a minimum of 70% per course and overall 75% of all courses
    • There are 70 assessments throughout.  Each module of each course has a 25% assessment at the end of the learning content which requires a 70% attempt to unlock the LMS 75% proctored assessment.  A 70% attempt on the LMS proctored assessment is required to unlock the next module of the course. 
    • The five courses are locked and in sequence.  The student has to progress through the content bite-size learning blocks and achieve the assessments requires (listed above) to continue through the modules and to the next course.

    To activate a your high school

    • Have a high school representative call or Email Chris Fridel at  513-372-6512 and let him know that you are interested.
    • He will put you in contact with the person that takes care of this.
    • You will be sent a PDF form that an administrator will fill out and return—this asks for information such as official school name, address, administration contacts, etc.   
    • The etA will need a list of students and teacher(s) along with a working email for each.  The etA will activate the system for the school and register/roster the students/instructor(s) into a session. 

    If you have further questions, or are interested in this program, please contact Chris Fridel 513-372-6512

    Page Last Updated: Jan 08, 2025 (11:17:29)
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