The Best Electrical Construction and Telecommunications Apprenticeship in the Greater Cincinnati & Northern Kentucky Area.
Sponsored By The International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) Local 212 And The Cincinnati Chapter of The National Electrical Contractors Association (NECA).
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  • The Application Process





    Applicants must document the following qualifications in order to proceed with the application process:

    · All applicants must be at least 17 years of age at the time of application. 

    · All applicants must be a high school graduate, have a GED, or be a high school senior on track to graduate.

    · Applicants must possess a valid driver's license or valid state issued ID.

    · All applicants must be physically able to do the work of the trade.

    · Electrician applicants must take and receive a score of “3” or higher on our Aptitude Test (Electrician applicants documenting 2000 or more electrical construction hours must take the test but do not have to receive a minimum score). For more information on the Aptitude Test click here.

    · All applicants must submit high school transcripts for grades 9-12. If qualifying with a GED, submit transcripts for the grade(s) completed. Transcripts for seniors in high school must include grades 9-11 and the first semester of the senior year, and be accompanied by a letter from the high school stating that the applicant is “on track” to graduate with their class.

    Applicants who have met all of the above requirements and documented the proper paperwork will be scheduled for an interview, the next step in the application process.

    Qualifying with Prior Experience

    Some of the requirements listed above may be bypassed with documentation of adequate prior experience. To apply using prior experience, bring along the $10.00 application fee, your driver’s license, and tax and/or payroll records documenting your prior experience of at least:

    Electrical Construction Applicants– 2000 hours of electrical construction work experience

    Telecommunications Applicants— 2400 hours of telecommunications work experience.

    The JATC Committee determines whether the documented experience is the proper type of experience. If the experience qualifies, the applicant will proceed to the next step of the process, the personal interview.

    The intent of our entire selection process is to reveal those individuals with the highest overall qualifications for the apprenticeship openings available, regardless of race, color, religion, age, sex, national origin, gender identity or sexual orientation. Our ONLY goal is to indenture the highest qualified applicants and train them to be skilled electricians or installer technicians.

    Our application process consists of several steps. The process is outlined below. Please read through the entire process to familiarize yourself with what to expect. 


    Applications for either of our apprenticeship programs will be accepted without regard to race, color, religion, age, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or national origin.

    Applications online can be completed at any time.  You will need to pay a $10.00 non-refundable application fee, payable by credit card is due at the time of starting the application. To see and start the online application process CLICK HERE

    Applicants who can not meet one or more of the above qualifications will not be denied an application, but the application will be filed as “does not meet qualifications”. These applications will be kept on file for a period of two years during which requirements may be met and the applicant will progress to the next step of the application process.

    Aptitude Test

    Applicants for Electrical Construction Apprenticeship who meet all other minimum requirements will be scheduled to take the NJATC Apprenticeship Test Battery. 

    The Aptitude test is administered monthly at our location and takes approximately two and a half hours to complete. It consists of two parts: Algebra and Reading Comprehension. A short break is given between the two parts of the test.

    Applicants receiving a score of at least “3” (out of a possible “9”) will be advanced to the next step of the application process, a personal interview with the JATC Committee. Applicants who have documented at least 2000 hours of electrical construction work experience are not required to receive a minimum score for a personal interview, but will be required to take the test so aptitude can be measured.

    Aptitude Test Rules

    · Bring a photo ID to the test. Your ID will be checked. No ID, no test-no exceptions!

    · Arrive 5-10 minutes before the scheduled test time. Late entries will not be permitted. A late show is the same as a “No Show”. A $10.00 rescheduling fee will apply.

    · Do not bring any type of calculator. Pencils and scrap paper are provided for computation.

    · If you do not receive a qualifying score (3 or higher), you will not be eligible to retake the test (at any JATC in the country) for a period of three months. Do NOT attempt to retake the test before the three-month period elapses. If you retest before the three-month period elapses, your score will not be valid and another three months must elapse before the next retest.


    Personal Interview

    Interviews are conducted by the members of the Cincinnati, Ohio Area Electricians’ Joint Apprenticeship and Training Committee (JATC Committee). The JATC Committee consists of six members; three appointed by the Cincinnati Chapter, National Electrical Contractors Association, and three appointed by Local Union #212, International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers.

    Interviews are scheduled as a sufficient number of applications are received, usually monthly. Qualified applicants will be notified by mail of the scheduled date and time of their interview with the JATC Committee.

    Each applicant’s transcripts and any other submitted documentation is evaluated and reviewed by the JATC Committee before the interview. During the interview, the Committee will consider the above along with reliability, interest, attitude, judgment, cooperation and other personal traits.

    Following the interview, each committee member scores the applicant from 0-100 based upon the interview and the information submitted during the application process. The average of the committee members' scores becomes the applicants “interview score” and is entered onto the “ranking list”. This score remains active on the ranking list for a period of two years. 

    Ranking List

    The ranking list consists of all active interview scores. Interview scores are entered onto the ranking list with the highest score being first. An applicant’s interview score remains on the ranking list for a period of two years, during which time an applicant is eligible for selection. Each month as interviews are conducted, interview scores are added and the ranking order changes.

    Apprentice Selection

    New apprentices may be selected at any time and are selected from the ranking list in order of ranking by the JATC Committee. If 5 apprentices are to be selected, the top 5 scores on the ranking list at that time will be chosen. There is one apprentice class selected per year, although there is no specific time when these apprentices are selected, and no specific number of apprentices selected. The number selected is determined by the JATC Committee based upon the needs of the industry. Typically, a total of 50 to 100 apprentices are selected yearly for the electrical construction program and 10 to 20 apprentices are selected yearly for the telecommunications program. All selected applicants will be required to pass a physical drug screen.

    Apprentice Orientation

    Selected applicants are notified by mail and must decline or accept the offer of apprenticeship by phone or mail. An orientation is scheduled and must be attended. Details of the program and its benefits are covered at the orientation.

    Selected applicants will be required to successfully pass a physical Substance Abuse Screening before beginning to work. In the event that an applicant is placed on a job in advance of the Substance Abuse Screening, the same rules and provisions apply. See our Substance Abuse Policy for complete details.

    Before signing the US Department of Labor Apprenticeship Agreement, a selected applicant will be given the opportunity to read our Apprenticeship Standards, the JATC Policy Statement, the Substance Abuse Policy, the Scholarship Loan Agreement, and the Apprenticeship Agreement.

    Applicant Appeals Procedure

    1. An Appeals Committee is hereby established, composed of one member appointed by Labor, one member appointed by Management and a public member appointed by both members. Each organization shall appoint or remove its own representatives on the Appeals Committee in such manner as it desires. No member of the Joint Apprenticeship Committee may serve on the Appeals Committee.

    2. Where an Appeals Committee exists under an established referral procedure and it is of this type, this Committee shall be used for this purpose.

    3. Management and Labor shall mutually agree to and select or remove public members of this Committee.

    4. The authority of the Appeals Committee shall be limited to the rendering of decisions only on cases involving alleged unjust treatment of applicants for the apprenticeship program in the matter of selection.

    5. Any appeal must be filed in writing and signed by the applicant within fifteen (15) days of the date of notification of the applicant as to the decision of the Joint Apprenticeship Committee regarding the application.

    6. A copy of the appeal shall be filed with the Joint Apprenticeship Committee.

    7. The Joint Apprenticeship Committee must file a written answer to the Appeals Committee within thirty (30) days of the receipt of the copy of the appeal.

    8. The Appeals Committee shall consider the written evidence and shall, on request of either party, grant a hearing.

    9. A final decision shall be rendered by the Appeals Committee within thirty (30) days of the date of filing of the Joint Apprenticeship and Training Committee answer to the appeal or from the date of the hearing.

    10. Decisions of the Appeals Committee shall be final and binding. All records of the Joint Apprenticeship Committee and Appeals Committee will be kept for five (5) years.


    Correspondence from the JATC office will be mainly by e-mail. It is very important that any personal information changes (address, phone numbers, email address) be reported to the JATC office as soon as possible.


    Mar 04, 2006

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Q. If I do not score well  on the tests, can I take them again?

    Yes, you may retake the test after a period of three (3) months has elapsed from your last test date. A $10.00 retest fee will apply.

    Q. Are there any penalties for guessing on the test?

    No, there are no penalties for guessing. Your score will be based on the number of questions you answer correctly.

    Q. Should I study to do better on the test?

    You should review the sample questions which will be provided to you when the test is scheduled. It is suggested that you “brush up” on your Algebra and Reading Comprehention skills before taking the test. There is no need to memorize formulas or factual material in order to do well on the test.

    A good preparation tool would be the Khan Academy Links Below and confirming your knowledge encompassing the following subjects: 


    Whole Numbers, Fractions, Decimals, Integers, Rational Numbers, Exponents, Algebra Essentials, Equations, Formulas, and Inequalities, Ratios, Rates, and Proportions, The Cartesian Plane, Systems of Equations.


    Q. If I do not complete the test, can I complete it another day?

    No. If you do not complete the test your score will be based on the questions you do complete. You will not be able to reschedule to take the test again for another three months and a $10.00 retest fee will apply.

    Q. Will I receive a report of my score?

    You will be informed whether you have received a qualifying score. Exact scores are not provided.


    Mar 04, 2006
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