The Best Electrical Construction and Telecommunications Apprenticeship in the Greater Cincinnati & Northern Kentucky Area.
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  • Construction Wireman (CW)

    The Southwest Market Recovery Agreement provides for a Construction Wireman (CW) classification of worker on certain jobsites. A CW is defined as a non-registered apprentice with less than 8000 hours of electrical construction work experience.

    Persons interested in becoming a CW should register at Local 212 and will be referred to work if a CW job becomes available. They may also be hired directly by a contractor signatory to the agreement, but must register at Local 212 within 5 business days of hire. Failure to register may result in removal from the job site.

    Registration: Request and complete a “CW Information Form” at Local 212. Any previous electrical construction work experience must be documented at the time of registration. Types of documentation accepted are W-2’s, paystubs, or SIQI forms (available from the Social Security Administration).

    Referral: Once an individual has registered as a CW worker and a job placement is available, the JATC will issue an official job placement form listing the contractor, the minimum wage rate, and the job location. The JATC will forward this form to the Local 212 referral office where the CW must report to complete additional paperwork and receive a copy of the referral before reporting to work. Please note that it is the CW’s responsibility to notify Local 212 of any future change in job location.

    Classification Period: The classification period assigned to a CW will be based on the experience documented at registration. If documented experience is greater than 8000 hours, the individual will be referred to Local 212 for information about the Construction Electrician classification. Individuals with less than 8000 hours of documented experience will be placed at the following classification periods if/when work is available to them:

    CW1 0-2000 35
    CW2 2001-4000 35
    CW3 4001-6000 40
    CW4 6001-8000 45

    The period/rate of pay/benefits assigned to an individual is the minimum the contractor must pay the individual. Contractors may choose to pay an individual at a rate higher than established. Please note that CW workers are NOT indentured and MUST be paid journeyman rate on any prevailing wage job.

    Advancement: When an individual has worked sufficient hours to advance to the next CW period, it is the responsibility of the individual to bring documentation of these hours to the JATC so the appropriate paperwork can be generated for advancement to the next CW period.

    Related Classroom Training: A CW worker has the right to enroll in apprenticeship classes offered by the JATC. The JATC office may be contacted for the dates, times and locations of classes. Full attendance and completion of classes is required for consideration of advanced status if the individual is selected for apprenticeship in the future. Administration fees set by the JATC Committee will apply and the JATC Policy Statement must be adhered to while attending classes. If you are interesed in registering for classes, complete and submit the form at the following link:

    Apprenticeship: CW’s are encouraged to apply for apprenticeship through the JATC’s normal application process. If a CW is selected as an apprentice, prior work history and classroom attendance will be evaluated for advanced placement.

    CW’s should be sure to think about the future. If a CW applies and is selected into the apprenticeship program, their future earning, learning, and benefit potential is much greater.

    CW Wage Schedule: A current CW Wage Schedule is available from the JATC office. A working CW should check this schedule to be sure they are receiving the correct pay and benefits. If at any time a CW does not receive correct pay and benefits, they should contact Local 212 immediately.

    CW Contact Information: Questions about the CW classification may be directed to Local 212 or to the JATC using the following information:

    Charlie Kenser, Training Director Rick Fischer, Business Manager
    5455 Glenway Avenue 212 Crowne Point Place
    Cincinnati, Ohio 45238 Cincinnati, Ohio 45241
    (513)281-6924 (513)559-0200
    Charlie Kenser Richard Heimbrock
    Training Director Membership Development Director

    Page Last Updated: Dec 30, 2019 (09:19:04)
  • Cincinnati Electrical Training Center

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